Friday, March 7, 2014

Network Biology, Animal Network, Human and Plant

Networks in biology which is a set of cells that have the same form as well as benefits . Networks are not as able to work together for the benefit of the same form of organ physiology . Networks studied in the branch of biology that are named histology , but the branch of biology that changes in form and learn the benefits of networking in conjunction DNG disease is histopathology .(see also: pakan burung)

Network owned by organisms that already have the division of tasks for each and every group of cells. Bertalus organisms , like algae ( algae ) and fungi ( mushrooms ) , do not have different networks , even though they may form similar structures typical of organs , like the fruit body and Sporophore . Moss plants may be mentioned that the network already has a clear , even though he does not have any clear cut vascular tissue .

Various Animal and Human Network
There are four basic groups that form a network throughout the body of animals , including the human body as well as low-level multicellular organisms like arthropods : epithelial tissue , connective tissue , tissue advocates , as well as neural networks .

The epithelium tissue .
Arrangement of tissues which are prepared by cells that line the surface of organs like the skin surface . This network plays the organ that makes protection overlaid , as well as the absorption of the secretion organs .

Epithelial tissue is composed of 3 types :

1 . Eksotelium : epithelium that wrap around the outside of the body
2 . Endothelium : the epithelium that lines the organs inside the body
3 . Mesothelium : epithelium that restricts the body cavity

Benefits of Network epithelium
a. Absorption , for example in the intestines that absorb food juices
b . Secretion , which secrete a metaphor testicular sperm
c . Excretion , diaphoretic skin
d . Transportation , regulates the osmotic pressure in the body
e . Protection , protection of the skin makes the body tissue beneath
f . Recipients stimuli , skin that respond to external stimuli
g . Breathing , frog skin acts as a respiratory
h . Locomotor , membrane frog legs on the skin helps in movement
i . Regulate body temperature , skin regulates body temperature eluarkan sweat when the body overheats

Fastener Network .
Suitable name suggests, connective tissue and tissue binding role For organ . Parable of the network is a network of blood .

Muscle tissue .
Muscle tissue is divided into three equal groups namely the muscles that are not slippery which can be found in the organs inside the body , striated muscle that can be found in the framework of the body , and the heart muscle that can be found in the heart .

Neural Networks .
For a network that is a role that regulate the activities of organs and muscles as well as receive, and continued stimulation .

advocates network
That network which consists of cartilage tissue and bone tissue which acts For given body form , making protection of the body , and strengthen the body form

Plant tissue is relatively more homogeneous than in animal tissues . Plants do not have the power of locomotion ( switch ) / move the active way as animals . While so , a lot of some newly formed cells to various tissues as compensation For some number of cells that die , as passive because some cells act as a back up power storage ( for example, in fruit or tubers ) or secondary metabolites , as well as the contents of the new network due For always plants become more mass , especially for annual plants . Network that actively proliferate and do not have the special benefit called meristematic tissue , tissue that has been steady for a moment DNG benefits network called fixed / permanent .

meristematic tissue
Meristematic tissue composed of several cell meristem , an analogue of some stem cells ( stem cells ) animals . This network can be found at growing points at the end of the stem and roots ( called apical meristems / end / apical ) , under bark ( cambium or cork cambium as vessels , called meristems edge / lateral ) , and the edge ' > on the side of roads or book , and at the base of the leaf stalk ( meristem between / interkalar ) . This network , especially meristem tip , easily induced For propagated by in vitro . In the jargon of tissue culture , the cells mentioned some embryonic form ( can form an embryo ) . Meristematic tissue is also formed if there is an open sides of the plant , for example due to the injured . Partial mobilization phytohormones , auxin and cytokinin in general , can lead to the formation of some of the meristem cells that form a kind of network which is called undifferentiated callus .

Permanent network
Permanent networks are categorized into three main groups : the epidermis ( protective tissue , consisting of a few cells that compose the arrangement of outer leaves and plant parts that keep the young ) , the network carrier ( xylem and phloem construct ) , as well as the basic network ( including parenchyma , klorenkim , kolenkim , and sklerenkim ) .

Protection of the epidermis make up the organs of touch in DNG immediately impact the situation outside the organ . The epidermis can be covered by the arrangement are not thick on the outside which is known as the cuticle . Can also be found night arrangement ( wax ) . Some epidermal cells generally form four side when viewed from the side , lined homogeneous . But so , naturally epidermal turnover may be some cover cells or stomatal guard cells and their partial neighboring cells , trichomes ( hair miang or leaves / stems ) , spines , hair and glands .

Network carrier owned by vascular plant ( tracheophyta ) . Gymnosperms have trakeida network , trakeida fibers , and wood as a constituent of xylem parenchyma . Angiosperms have additional tracheal tissue not only network who owned gymnosperms . Phloem ( vascular filter ) filter rod is composed of a network as well as some cell accompaniment . (see also: pakan burung kenari)

Network compiled some great basic body plant ( biomass ) . This networking group has a lot of benefits he relies area there . Often he filled the largest side of the organ , preparing meat fruit , bark , tubers or rhizomes contents that put starch or specific secondary metabolites ( alkaloids and terpenoids like ) . This network can also browse the natural death of cells osongkan to forge a hollow arrangement ( aerenkim ) in the area like a bubble on water hyacinth leaf stalks or bamboo reeds inside the cavity .


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