Sunday, April 13, 2014

Indonesian Company Acquires Ranch Sultan of Brunei in Australia

Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah off one of his ranch in northern Australia to the Indonesian company . Meanwhile , the Indonesian company is also rumored to be buying a smaller farms this week .

Sultan Bolkiah 's farm is located in an area with a capacity of 22,000 cattle Willeroo . Name of Indonesian company who bought this farm has not been disclosed , but the value is estimated at around 12 million Australian dollars ( U.S. $ 120 billion ) .

Andrew Gray , this farm sales agent , explained that the Indonesian company is a privately owned company which has a long association with the cattle industry in northern Australia .

According to Gray , commercial negotiations lasted for six months . " Willeroo purchased by Indonesian companies to stabilize the supply , " he said .

Previously, the Indonesian company named Santori had bought farms in the area and Inverway Riveren , also in the northern region of Australia .

By this means the sale of farm Willeroo Sultan of Brunei is now left with one farm in the state , namely Opium Creek .
( see also: obat burung spektra )

According to Gray , the interest of Indonesian companies entering into cattle farm in Australia is huge . He said , in this week , an Indonesian company is expected to complete the purchase of a smaller farm .


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